I am going to combine my letter this week because I don’t have much time to write today. We went paint balling yesterday as a zone and it was awesome, it was hot but very fun. I can’t believe that they had another earthquake, wasn’t there one not to long ago in? I didn’t feel it here at all didn’t even know until your letter.
I don’t think that they have a fall here dad it is winter now and it rains about everyday I will ask some of the members and people but I don’t really know much other than it’s hot. My physical health is excellent I haven’t lost too much weight. I think only about 4 or 5 pounds is all, which makes me angry because I wanted to gain some weight while I was here but we will see.
The work here is still good I am doing fine the language is really coming along. Everyone compliments me on how well my Portuguese is for only being here for 2 almost 3 months now.
Boy its amazing how the time flies. We have 2 for sure, possibly 4 baptisms this week which is very exciting.
As I said we went paintballing yesterday for p-day and we are the first district that the president has allowed to go paintballing in the mission. He is very pleased with all the work that we have been doing here.Transfers are the 17th of March so we will see if I am transferred or not. I have surpassed one transfer already and hope to stay here in Sobral a little longer. I don’t know if I have said this but my companion goes home in June and I hope to stay with him until June but I don’t know. That is about all that I can think of for this week, I love and appreciate all that you do mom and dad and I love you both lots.
Love your son
Elder Crittenden