Monday, October 11, 2010

e-mail of October 11th.

Dear Dad and Mom,
WOW things are going good here in the mission and here in Acailandia. So this past week was a little bit slow going for the work but flew by in terms of time. Like I said I had a 12 hour bus ride to Teresina on Tuesday, we left at 9 in the morning and got there at about 9 at night when we got there we grabbed the bus to the staffs apartment that is where we stayed for the night and I met my new companion there. So my new comps name is Elder Costa and he is from Manaus Brasil, he arrived from the MTC this past week and I am training him about everything in our mission. This is his first area in the mission field and thus far he likes it a lot. I like to joke around with him a lot and I am having a good time with him. He knows how to
cook pizzas and other things so I talked him into making pizzas on my one year mark in the mission. I cant believe how fast that the time is flying by here in the mission, I dont know if it is flying by there at home but it is here. So to tell you a little bit about the cities and the people here quite a few people have cars but it is more common to have a motorcycle here or like a moped. I have seen some of the most amazing things here in Brasil of people carrying things on motorcycles and bicycles. My last comp Elder Donizeti said on his first day in Teresina he saw 5 people on one motorcycle a man and his family and I have seen some things just as incredible. So alot of the roads are just cobblestone but alot are paved with asphalt too. The bus ride to Teresina was cold, those buses have some of the best air conditioners I have ever seen and in fact because of the two days in the freezing cold bus I got a little bit sick but I am better now. So this past week we met some new investigators and yesterday actually my comp and I taught a man and these two girls and it was a really powerful lesson. These people had a lot of questions and it was just really cool I could tell that they were accepting what we were saying and now we just have to see if they will pray and find out for themselves. We have gotten a lot of references from members this past week and so we will have a lot of work in front of us this week. We didn't have any baptisms yet but we should have some this week and next week if they don't fall through. To answer some of the questions from the letters I still cant access my online account for my debit card it has been blocked. I also still haven't got my birthday package but hopefully here soon I will get it. I don't know what I need for Christmas I have everything that I need and I just barely got a package so its a little bit soon to be sending another one so soon. My shoes are holding up well, at least one pair is. I will take some pictures and send them to you and have you forward them to Doug's dad and if he could just send them home they would be great to have when I get off of the mission. They are okay to use every once in a while but for walking in the streets of Brasil they just don't hold up but my other pair is still really good. I don't really have much else to say about the week, but I love you all very much and thanks for everything that you do for me. Until next week.
Elder Crittenden

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